So Much Shareware 4
So Much Shareware 4 (Power User Software) (1994).ISO
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File List
908 lines
21DUMP.ZIP 24758 11-09-93 OS2DUMP, ATI Ultra Graphics,Image Adapter/A
21PERF.ZIP 17735 07-12-93 Helpful Tips For Os/2 2.1
21UPRT41.ZIP 90185 01-25-94 21UPRT v4.1; REXX PM program to print 2UP in
| landscape mode or 1UP in portrait mode on
| laser printers using PPDS, HPLJ or PostScript
| commands. Will number lines or support ANSI
| control characters. Suppresses multiple blank
| lines and page ejects. Supports A4 (European)
| paper size.
256LOGO.ZIP 32417 01-06-94 Wallpaper of 256 color OS2 logo
32DUDF12.ZIP 50842 01-01-94 32bit *nix-like DU & DF for OS/2,HPFS aware
4OS232.ZIP 118905 12-22-93 4os2 v2.00, 32-bit version, part 1 of 2
4OS2B.ZIP 315500 12-22-93 4os2 v2.00, part 2 of 2 (for 16 and 32 bit)
649.ZIP 317979 01-08-94 Pick lottery numbers for 6/49 lotteries
800INF.ZIP 147625 02-11-94 USER GUIDE for people that call the 800#
| Support Center. Contains useful information
| for anyone who calls the 800#. See the
| README.SPT for details. Both ASCII and INF
| VIEWable format.
8514SMAL.ZIP 228066 11-17-93 OS/2 2.1GA small resource SVGA display driver
| for 1024x768x256
AC35MUSO.ZIP 284891 01-03-94 ACCU MUSIC SYSTEM v3.5 (OS/2); Create music
| on your computer. Requires OS/2 v2.x. You
| can: Use text-based editor to enter notes;
| transpose music to change key signatures or
| raise/lower music by half steps; play music
| on PC speaker or Adlib/SB comp. sound card;
| print music in sheet music format on printer;
| convert music to/from .ROL sound card format,
| etc. Allows multi-voice songs.
ADU22D.ZIP 135317 11-20-93 ADU/2 2.2 disk util for large disks, nets
AIFFWAVE.ZIP 25837 11-12-93 Check WAV, Convert AIFF (Apple) to WAV
ALBT120.ZIP 458604 02-13-94 ALBATROS CD Player for OS/2 MMPM/2; Compact
| Disk Player which will allow you to play your
| Compact Audio Disks. Repeat Track; Repeat
| Disk; Random Play; Intro Play (play each
| track for a couple of Sec); Program Play
| (fully programmable); LCD Style Display;
| Remembers Titels and Tracks of CD; Displays
| Title and Track od CD while Playing; Displays
| Track and Title of CD while Iconized; German
| and English Version - and more...
ALRMP14G.ZIP 367183 01-08-94 Alarm Pro v1.4; 32-bit OS/2* 2.0 program for
| managing your Contacts, appointments,
| important events, and program scheduling from
| a convenient desktop clock.
AMAZDESK.ZIP 220820 12-27-93 A few bitmaps showing my desktop setup that
| will hopefully provide ideas for beginers and
| experts alike.
AMOS101.ZIP 69106 12-07-93 AMOS v1.01 is a DOS-program for OS/2 users!
| It gives easy access to HPFS-formatted drives
| from native DOS. It will read, write, copy,
| edit, del, md, rd, type, and much, more...
APAR_CSD.ZIP 27667 02-25-94 List of fixed APAR's in the OS/2 2.1 Service
| Pak that was just released.
APLOG100.ZIP 39321 08-16-93 Replacement IBM LOGIN. Encrypted passwords
ARCADIA1.ZIP 538978 10-20-93 Clock/Calendar/Alarm/Phone book/Dialer/Log
ARTSUB.ZIP 7686 12-08-93 EDM/2 Article Submission Guidelines
ASKIT100.ZIP 25556 12-11-93 AskIt and AskIt/2 v1.00 Utility that will
| allow you to enter one of the user-defined
| selections, and exit at a unique errorlevel.
| AskIt includes the ability to timeout after a
| user-defined length. For example, let's say
| that you want to create a batch file that
| will ask you which program you want to use.
ATCCNR.ZIP 45175 10-12-93 Air Traffic Control Container, a very simple
| ATC radar simulator whose main purpose is to
| provide an interesting example of OS/2 PM
| Container programming.
ATP07OS2.ZIP 101151 09-11-93 ATP QWK Reader 1.42 for OS/2, a full screen
| database style reader, easily handles 3000+
| line messages, free licensed under GNU GPL.
ATRGF21.ZIP 40164 09-20-93 ATRGF.CMD allows for executing full-screen
| programs as each program will be started in
| its own session
AUTOQUO.ZIP 55151 10-16-93 Enclosed are the two macro files and as well
| as the font that this macro needs to work.
| The macro "AutoSingle" will determine if you
| need a left or right single typographic quote
| and insert it while the "AutoQuote" will
| determine the same for regular quotes.
BAR1.ZIP 24114 01-28-94 BaR PM front end for OS/2 backup/restore
BARNES.ZIP 79393 01-22-94 WAVs of David Barnes at HAL-PC Group Jun 93
BEAV140.ZIP 204560 11-22-93 Beav 1.40 binary file editor
BG14.ZIP 28185 11-14-93 Backgammon 1.4, board game for OS/2 2.x PM
BIBDAYO1.ZIP 72742 11-18-93 Bible Verse of the Day v1.0 program
BIGBEN2.ZIP 66742 12-15-93 MMPM/2 App plays hourly chimes ala BigBen
BLANK21.ZIP 47522 01-26-94 Screen Blanker v2.1 32-bit screen saver for
| OS/2 2.1.
BLANKR20.ZIP 50262 12-09-93 Screen Blanker 2.0, 32-bit Full Screen
BOOTI1.ZIP 39012 12-19-93 OS/2 Boot Interrupter - Get a menu before the
| WPS starts, that allows to invoke the
| command-processor or any program that you
| configure. Working with timeout for auto-
| matic startup.
BOS2259B.ZIP 345461 01-20-94 BinkleyTerm 2.59a beta for OS/2 includes
| second executable compiled with Microsoft
| Visual C++ and linked with Microsoft C 6.0
| runtimes. (snappier and smaller)
BOULDERO.ZIP 378047 01-22-94 Boulder Dash Full screen game for OS/2.
BOXOS2_6.ZIP 403429 01-05-94 BOXER/OS2 v6 Powerful, top-rated text editor!
| Already a favorite of DOS users, BOXER is now
| available for OS/2! BOXER is a full-featured
| editor with a smooth, courteous interface.
| Color Syntax Highlighting, multi-level Undo
| and Redo, full mouse support, macros, column
| marking, WP, keyboard reconfig, & much more!
| This 32-bit character mode program uses OS/2
| virtual memory to edit large files, and has
| support for HPFS filenames. From David Hamel.
B_DIR.ZIP 30665 03-07-94 DIR replacement w/ highlighting, dir sizing
| etc for OS/2.
CAWF407.ZIP 162664 12-31-93 Nroff-like text formatter awf, & C source
CDAUDI.ZIP 13646 12-14-93 A Compact Disc Audio Player Application The
| programs only requirements, besides a CD-ROM
| drive capable of audio playback of music
| discs, is OS/2 2.x and PM. This program does
| NOT require the Multi Media PM2 to be
| installed. The program sends IOCTLs to the
| CD-ROM device driver, both OS/2 2.0 and OS/2
| 2.1 drivers will work with this application.
| CDAUDIO.EXE will NOT stop playback if the
| program is closed.
CDCAR_11.ZIP 45190 12-28-93 CD Carousel 1.1 Max/2 offline file req door
CDTHRU.ZIP 9275 02-14-94 Small OS/2 utility that tests the throughput
| of a CD drive at various blocksizes.
CEDIT10.ZIP 62891 01-23-94 Cedit Norton Editor compatible text editor
CENVI22.ZIP 226260 10-14-93 CEnvi v1.005; Cmm (C minus minus) is 'C' for
| the rest of us. CEnvi runs Cmm programs in
| the DOS, Windows, OS/2, NT, Unix, etc...
| environments. Together, CEnvi and Cmm make
| the power and flexibility of the C
| programming language part of every computer
| user's environment, without the hardware,
| time, and programmer resources needed for
| developing full-blown C programs.
CFGS_11.ZIP 5047 01-13-94 Informative document describing how to
| considerably decrease OS/2's boot-up time. A
| must-have for any serious OS/2 user. v1.1 -
| Updated with more information.
CHAOS11.ZIP 86555 12-12-93 Graphical display of simple chaotic system
CHCKDMNS.ZIP 1700 10-28-93 CHECK_DEAMONS.CMD; This program will monitor
| the deamons it knows about, every <interval>
| minutes (you define the intervals,
| default=2), restarting them, if they are not
| active, and terminating them if there are too
| many copies of it active.
CHGO95.ZIP 4259 12-19-93 Why Windows 4.0 not released until 1995
CHKEYCMD.ZIP 456 01-03-94 CHKEY like DOS ASK but accepts char string
CHKSTO.ZIP 129255 12-31-93 CHKStore, check space in LAN user home dir
CHMAP.ZIP 22523 12-06-93 CHARACTER MAPPER FOR OS/2 2.X. Character Set
| is a font mapping application written for
| OS/2 Presentation Manager. Use it to find
| graphic characters in a font that are not
| normally accessable through regular
| keystrokes.
CKOEXP.ZIP 3281 07-30-93 C-Kermit OS/2 external protocols document
| Contains all hints and tips about using
| C-Kermit with external protocols and using
| C-Kermit itself as an external protocol.
CLASSEDI.ZIP 282992 10-03-93 Classedi v1.01; Watcom VX-Rexx v 1.01 patch
| level A Tool for adding/destroying SOM classes
CLOCK201.ZIP 124598 10-13-93 PM Clock 2.01 with 32-bit GNU C++ source
CMDFLDR.ZIP 42795 01-01-94 Adds an OS/2 command box to every folder
CMDLINE.ZIP 18254 02-09-94 CmdLine is a pair of REXX library functions
| wrote to implement the OS/2 command line
| features in REXX.
CNFGLS30.ZIP 56690 11-22-93 Lan Server 3.0 configurations for many apps
CNFGSORT.ZIP 2643 11-29-93 Informative document describing how to
| considerably decrease OS/2's boot-up time. A
| must-have for any serious OS/2 user.
CONFIGOS.ZIP 17543 08-12-93 IBM OS/2 config.sys detailed explanation: a
| full line by line explanaition of OS/2 2.1
| config.sys.
CONTROL.ZIP 95860 12-14-93 Max/Bink/Squish/Tick/nodelists BBS setup
CPUDRIV2.ZIP 43638 09-18-93 CPU & Drives for OS/2: The CPU & Drives
| program is used to show the amount of
| processor time and disk space being used. It
| does this graphically and is a great utility
| to just keep running in the background as a
| system monitor.
CRNTB221.ZIP 54647 07-09-93 CronTab/CronTab2 v2.21: DOS & OS/2 versions
| of a utility that will run programs based on
| the date or daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly
| with or without a specified offset such as
| the 3rd day of the month.
CSD21.ZIP 2261 02-24-94 Os/2 2.1 Csd Release Announcement
CSED11.ZIP 74080 10-03-93 System Config Editor version 1.1; Notebook of
| settings for the OS/2 startup files.
| Simplifies the editing of CONFIG.SYS and
CSHELL.ZIP 43243 12-02-93 OS/2 Shell full screen OS/2, DOS, WIN-OS/2
CUTV10.ZIP 292062 12-27-93 CutIt quickly save clippings from docs
CVS13P7B.ZIP 386815 01-19-94 Concurrent Version System revision control
DALEKS.ZIP 84579 08-28-93 Daleks v1.0a; game for OS/2
DCOPYPM7.ZIP 171722 01-22-94 PM disk copy utility
DC_CMD.ZIP 673 01-06-94 Dir Changer OS/2 window commandline assist
DE100.ZIP 33660 01-20-94 Detect whether an application is running
DEDIT100.ZIP 15815 01-15-94 DEDIT DOOM Editor v1.00; Another DOOM Editor
| written to run under OS/2. And why not!!?
DEFPRN.ZIP 712 10-28-93 Sample code to query the default printer port
DESKPI.ZIP 143094 10-06-93 Deskpic support for BocaSoft WipeOut 1.0
DIAL.ZIP 21280 01-08-94 Automatic dialing without a modem
DIALCMD.ZIP 389 01-06-94 Dial your phone from REXX, good example
DIAL_OS2.ZIP 18137 01-08-94 Dial is a phone dialing program for those
| that don't have a modem. It requires os/2,
| rexx, and mmpm with the rexx interface. The
| program plays dialing tones through whatever
| sound equipment the computer has. Turn the
| volume up sufficiently and hold the phone
| near the speaker.
DKCLOCK.ZIP 23082 11-21-93 Clock 1.0 - A 32-bit digital clock program
| written for the OS/2 2.1 PM environment
DLOS2.ZIP 2237 08-13-93 Boot Rom in DSI Connection 96+ SoftModem
DM101.ZIP 110285 12-19-93 DirMaster v1.01; Advanced Norton Commander
| clone for OS/2 PM
DMPLAY92.ZIP 69119 01-23-94 An OS/2 2.x Digital Music Player for .MOD
| format music files. Multi-threaded design.
| Outstanding design. This is a good example of
| PM programming and what it can do! Excellent!
DOC211.ZIP 92850 02-04-94 Installation Guide and Using the OS/2
| Operating System
DOOMICON.ZIP 6266 12-19-93 3 256color icons for Doom 3D adventure game
DQUOTE1.ZIP 37695 12-14-93 DeScribe 4.0 typographical quotes macros
DSKPICDS.ZIP 58338 07-29-93 13 OS/2 Desktop Picture and Screen Savers for
| use with DESKPIC screen saver.
DSN3IA.ZIP 48416 12-15-93 PSP Developer Support News, ASCII, Dec 93
DSN3II.ZIP 92334 12-22-93 Developer Support News
DSN4AA.ZIP 89710 01-17-94 Developer support news 1994 issue 1
DWATCH.ZIP 41783 10-20-93 Monitor amount of disk space, with alarm
DWNSRS59.ZIP 104406 12-19-93 Source for downsort v5.9
DWNSRT59.ZIP 188916 12-19-93 Downsort v5.9 file area utility for max bbs
DXP231.ZIP 227086 11-08-93 Disk eXPress 2.31 diskette imaging program
EDEL112.ZIP 14997 11-01-93 Enhanced delete utility
EHP12.ZIP 357913 11-24-93 EHP 1.2 editor ported to OS/2 2.x & source
EKDSS.ZIP 25641 07-30-93 Three Desktop Screen Saver Extensions for
ELVB18S2.ZIP 315070 11-30-93 Elvis 1.8c, vi clone, source & *roff docs
ELVB18X2.ZIP 209794 11-30-93 Elvis 1.8c (beta) vi clone (exes & docs)
ENTRTAIN.ZIP 111248 11-30-93 Entertainment Pack for OS/2, PM Games
ENVED.ZIP 22505 12-09-93 ENVED edit current process environment vars
EQTREE.ZIP 33314 01-18-94 Program to synchronize two directory trees
ERGO.ZIP 1148 10-28-93 Ergonomic prompt for os/2. written in rexx.
EWSCAT.ZIP 44518 02-04-94 IBM Employee Written Software (EWS) Catalog
EXCAL.ZIP 324275 01-21-94 EXCAL; The Workplace Calendar
EXISTCMD.ZIP 560 01-06-94 REXX version of DOS if exist filename then
FACESOS2.ZIP 2985 01-26-94 Lets emacs 19.x recognize bold/italic fonts
FC2_016.ZIP 95393 10-14-93 File Commander/2 version 0.16 for OS/2 2.x is
| similar to Norton Commander for DOS.
FDSYN103.ZIP 15735 08-01-93 FDSync v1.03; your hoopy Frontdoor log time
| synchroniser gubbins type program. FDSync
| will synchronise your PC's internal clock to
| the internal clock of a remote computer (the
| remote doesn't have to be a PC) using your
| FrontDoor log file.
FEELX10.ZIP 378020 11-26-93 FeelX V1.0 simulates the usage of the mouse
FF_CMD.ZIP 364 01-06-94 FindFile example of OS/2 window DIR command
FILEB_14.ZIP 131605 02-12-94 FileBar; An OS/2 Application Launch Facility
| and Shell Replacement
FLST120.ZIP 62645 01-15-94 FastList Version 7 nodelist compiler, OS/2
FM2_128.ZIP 303219 02-17-94 PM File manager v.1.28 by the author of AV
FORTH038.ZIP 82514 01-20-94 Forth/2; 32-bit, native Forth for OS/2 2.x
| Created specifically for OS/2 using MASM 6.0
| Currently it is a text-mode application which
| can be run either in a full screen or in a
| window. It presently does not conform to any
| single Forth standard. Most of the major
| Forth functions are included.
FOUR23.ZIP 34830 07-08-93 Connect Four v2.3 for the OS/2 2.x
| Presentation Manager
FOURPM.ZIP 75793 12-22-93 Connect-Four for Presentation-Manager v1.0
FRAFMOS.ZIP 367176 01-26-94 AFMOSCOM open COM engine,terminal & server
FREE15.ZIP 15131 01-27-94 Free drive space util, returns ErrorLevel
FSHL125.ZIP 86269 07-05-93 F-Shell Command-Line Editor for OS/2 2.0 and
| version 1.3. Is much like Anarkey or CED for
| DOS with command-like recall, filename
| matching, aliases and more. From Oberon
| Software. An excellent tool for an excellent
| Operating System.
FSTS21.ZIP 37190 07-29-93 Full Screen Task Switcher (FSTS) v2.1: makes
| makes switching from one full screen (OS/2 or
| DOS) to another a snap.
FTPRXFE1.ZIP 6655 11-16-93 Visual REXX PM front end for TCP/IP FTPPM
FX80_1.ZIP 10797 01-19-94 REXX script print ASCII-Files in 2 columns
GAMES21A.ZIP 12003 12-08-93 Recommended DOS settings for games
GBM.ZIP 370413 11-10-93 Generalised Bitmap Module Edit/Convert All
GCPBUT.ZIP 44112 11-29-93 GCP Button Bar Symbol Font v3.1 Adobe Type 1
GED0241D.ZIP 165557 11-15-93 GoldED 2.41 (Docs+advanced cfg). FidoNet
| compatible msg reader/editor. Supports Fido
| *.MSG, Hudson (QBBS), Squish and Ezycom
| msgbase formats. Lots of features.
GEOG1219.ZIP 338383 12-19-93 GoldED 2.42 GAMMA RELEASE. reader/editor.
| Supports Fido *.MSG, Hudson (QBBS), Squish,
| Ezycom and now JAM msgbase formats! Lots of
| features. DOS, DOS 32-bit protected mode and
| OS/2 versions are available.
GEOP1121.ZIP 56480 11-21-93 Latest GoldEd Update from G1114 to G1121
GETINFS.ZIP 26221 11-19-93 PM front end for selecting and Viewing INFs
GFOLDER.ZIP 82166 11-04-93 Global Folder Sort Of A Replacement Desktop
GGAME.ZIP 173754 12-17-93 Generic Game Interface - Source included
GIANTDSS.ZIP 5128 12-12-93 Deskpic screen saver - NY Giants helmets
GO_12.ZIP 16613 11-27-93 GO! v.1.2 32-Bit list all running processes
GPAT1115.ZIP 1494 11-15-93 Patch GoldEd 2.42.G1114 > 2.42G115, OS2/DOS
GREED.ZIP 54434 08-10-93 OS/2 PM implementation of the UNIX classic
| Greed. Greed is a board game a la Mine
| Sweeper; though, in Mine Sweeper your goal is
| to uncover some numbered tiles - in Greed
| your goal is to cover some numbered tiles; in
| Mine Sweeper you have to be fast - in Greed
| you have to THINK.
GREPCMD.ZIP 1209 01-06-94 Batch file for screen-pause & output-file
GRX01B.ZIP 36600 01-30-94 GraphX is a data plotting utility
GUSMIXER.ZIP 22748 02-06-94 Gravis Ultrasound Mixer (for OS/2 2.x) v1.0;
| GUSMixer is a simple OS/2 2.x Presentation
| Manager program that allows users with a
| Gravis Ultrasound sound card to enable and
| disable their input and output lines. This
| program does not use MMPM drivers (as there
| are none available yet .....waiting....
| waiting.... Gravis???).
GUSOS201.ZIP 34476 01-25-94 Unofficial Gravis Ultrasound OS/2 Driver;
| This is a first pass at GUS physical driver
| for OS/2 MMPM. It has just basic WAV playing
| capability. It works in conjunction with the
| Digital Audio player and system sounds.
HALTOS.ZIP 10027 12-10-93 Text mode shutdown program
HAZ12.ZIP 126353 01-08-94 Hazel v1.2; OS/2 Presentation Manager Address
| book/dialer. v1.2 contains lots of exciting
| new features!
HELRES.ZIP 133420 12-10-93 Heli Rescue 2D copter flying arcade game
HIHOTELN.ZIP 399373 11-29-93 PM app catalogs many Internet resources.
| Telnet, ftp, gopher to these sites.
HOOK05.ZIP 72000 11-19-93 HOOKKBSM is an OS/2 equivalent of a DOS TSR
| program.
HOPALONG.ZIP 92932 01-24-94 Module for OS/2 ScreenSaver
HPCLC09.ZIP 48774 08-08-93 HPcalc for OS/2 2.x v0.9; Meant to be a
| simple calculator and does not have
| programmability, unlike the real HP 41c
| calculator. Thus all the functions which
| pertain to programming are absent.
HPFSR16E.ZIP 21889 11-19-93 Tool read HPFS-partitions under plain DOS
HSTART03.ZIP 52305 12-19-93 Alternative Start command, version 3
HUMANEKO.ZIP 55589 01-03-94 Animated human follows mouse pointer
ICBM101.ZIP 34691 01-16-94 ICBM OS/2 Boot-up Manager V1.01 January 1994
| OS/2 Boot-up Manager. Fully configurable. Can
| specify non-default COMMAND interpreter and
| parameters to same. ie. 4OS2, etc.
II07211.ZIP 1296 12-28-93 Text - Dos 6.1 Install OS/2 Lan Server 3.0
INFXDL79.ZIP 72252 11-19-93 INFConvert PM beta 79, OS/2 INI/HLP > text
INIDESC.ZIP 4921 01-07-94 Short Description of IniMaint & SysMaint
INIEDI.ZIP 27497 12-05-93 IniEdit is a tool that lets you view, modify
| and backup your INI files. Please note that
| this utility should be used with extreme
| caution.
INIMT30G.ZIP 576063 01-28-94 IniMaint 3.0g 32bit PM view/edit INI files
INI_OU.ZIP 48481 12-06-93 INI_OUTI is an OS/2 INI file editor. This
| program will allow you to add, update, or
| delete OS/2 INI applications and keys.
INSCDP.ZIP 79060 10-23-93 Audio cd player
INT_E.ZIP 2413 11-26-93 Rexx script stops E.EXE from ask file type
IOSTONE.ZIP 19770 07-21-93 OS/2 Benchmark for hard disk performance
IPLPAU.ZIP 10422 11-01-93 IPL Pause, small timer program & C source
IRC10H.ZIP 32737 11-09-93 IRC Client v1.0h OS/2, run off IRC server
JMOS2-10.ZIP 60462 09-11-93 Joe's OS/2 Tips #10
JOE.ZIP 397418 11-10-93 Joe's Own Editor 1.0.7 - ASCII text editor
JOEVW122.ZIP 340182 01-19-94 JoeView 1.22 image viewer for PM
JPLAY101.ZIP 74233 01-06-94 Command-line WAV/VOC/MIDI player v1.01
JTP113.ZIP 100421 07-31-93 JunkTick for OS/2. A Tick/Raid/etc.
| replacement.
KBSET100.ZIP 23008 09-17-93 KBSet 1.00; Change NumLock for DOS & OS/2
| Small *FREE* utilities to allow you to set
| the keyboard toggles (NumLock, CapsLock, and
| ScrollLock) to a desired state for DOS and
| OS/2 2.x.
KED206B.ZIP 83414 10-13-93 KEd is a character mode text editor for OS/2
| v 2.x. It is a full 32-bit application, and
| features support for HPFS, macros, unlimited
| number of files, huge file sizes, cut and
| paste, and shelling to a command processor.
| You'll also find extensive on-line hypertext
| help for ease of use. New version 2.06 with
| greater speed, Numlock settings, and HPFS
| name fixes.
KIS1193.ZIP 284496 11-28-93 Keepin' It Simple for OS/2 PM Utility for DOS
| BBS SysOps Spawn DOS sessions using
| semaphores DEMO version.
KLZIP012.ZIP 67140 12-15-93 KL-ZIP 32-bit GUI for freeware ZIP/UNZIP
KWQ12C.ZIP 206155 10-19-93 KWQ Mail/2, version 1.2c. A 32 bit QWK mail
| reader for OS/2 PM. Features advanced
| multithreaded searching, taglines, many
| archivers, fast access toolbar, colored
| "message syntax" text, Adobe fonts, an
| internal editor, PM, OS/2, DOS or Win3.X
| external editors, bookmarks, unlimited packet
| size and more.
LATEXINF.ZIP 263716 12-08-93 LaTex command reference in .INF format
LBB2NUMS.ZIP 8414 01-15-94 Database of computer support phone numbers
LBB2_123.ZIP 166808 12-27-93 Little Black Book/2 v1.23; Personal
| information manager which may be used to
| store and manipulate the names, address,
| phone numbers, and other pertinent
| information about groups of individuals. It
| is capable of storing up to five different
| groups of people in each phone book.
LIFE.ZIP 49484 07-14-93 The Game of Life - A Screen Saver for OS/2
| Includes C Source code for guidance.
LIGHTWAV.ZIP 61989 12-12-93 LightWaves MultiMedia Presentation Tool OS/2
LIVENET.ZIP 94797 01-11-94 Config & REXX files to run LiveNet OS/2 BBS
LNKRD1.ZIP 276714 10-25-93 LinkRight Demo, LapLink workalike for OS/2
LOGIN.ZIP 11568 11-01-93 Display date/time of last OS/2 session
LOWER.ZIP 14030 11-09-93 Lowering window by mouseclick, Exe, icc src
LSESSERV.ZIP 3776 11-26-93 OS/2 1.3, ES & LS ServicePaks News nov. 1993
LTIMES25.ZIP 147457 12-09-93 PM based NNTP News reader for OS/2 v2.0
M2VBBS14.ZIP 3059 08-01-93 Set of REXX command files that will allow the
| VBBS SysOp to install M2Zmodem.exe under a
| VBBS/2 system.
MAGCOM23.ZIP 84085 09-01-93 MagCom V2.30; telecommunications program for
| OS/2. Supports: X,Y,Zmodem.
MAGFOSS.ZIP 27278 11-30-93 Magnum Driver - Run DOS Doors on OS/2 BBS
MAKEBOOK.ZIP 5479 07-27-93 MAKEBOOK.CMD v1.02 REXX utility designed to
| create icons for the OS/2 on-line reference
| manuals located on your OS/2 system. This
| utility will search all available drives
| (including network drives) for OS/2 .INF
| files and create icons for them with the
| appropriate titles.
MAN11A.ZIP 108870 01-23-94 Port to OS/2 1.x-2.x of Man 1.1, John Eaton
MAXFIL24.ZIP 123813 01-05-94 MaxFile/2 text based file manager for Max/2
MCP_100.ZIP 2334 01-15-94 Multi-Color Prompt for 4DOS/4OS2 v1.0; Not
| your normal C:\> prompt!
MDISK.ZIP 25248 12-14-93 Measure CPU time used by disk I/O
MEMSZ221.ZIP 169656 12-23-93 System Resources 2.21 Monitor memory & more
MIDIDLL.ZIP 126240 01-02-94 A DLL that you can use with your app to
| simplify reading/writing MIDI (sequenced
| music) files. Includes C source and docs.
MIG21.ZIP 15587 11-07-93 32 bit PM migration aid & program launcher
MINCOM15.ZIP 105712 11-14-93 C source for MiniCom 15 Telix clone, Free
MIND.ZIP 3014 11-17-93 Artificial-intelligence REXX program
MINRUN.ZIP 2717 12-13-93 MinRun starts Windows application minimized
MMPMCSD.ZIP 823 11-25-93 mmpm/2 1.1 csd text of fixes in mmpmcsd.exe
MORE_20B.ZIP 42809 08-12-93 MORE 2.0 present text one page at a time
MR2_163.ZIP 227706 12-07-93 MR/2 - A QWK compatible mail reader for OS/2.
| Menu/picklist driven, mouse support, thread
| summary pick-lists, multithreaded searching,
| user-defined custom conferences, optional
| internal editor. Mostly SLMR/OLX compatible
| keystrokes.
MSHELL.ZIP 58126 01-20-94 MSHELL: Mini PM Shell for OS/2 MONTE COPELAND
| Alternative, simple, mini shell for OS/2 2.X
| that uses the replaceable shell architecture
| of the Workplace Shell. With this
| architecture and their own EXE, programmers
| can easily make OS/2 a turnkey platform.
| MShell is a program launcher. MShell can save
| the desktop, interact with the spooler, and
| do a system shutdown.
MSQP22E.ZIP 112824 10-04-93 Msged Squish protected mode beta
MUSER066.ZIP 69100 11-23-93 Multi desktops (for multi users) OS/2 2.1
MX_104.ZIP 27610 10-02-93 MX Message Extraction util for Squish bases
MYPLOT.ZIP 71713 10-17-93 Simple plotter for quick and easy generation
| of X/Y plots from files of numerical data.
NEMO02.ZIP 97539 08-31-93 Captain Nemo for OS/2 2.0 V0.2, "Captain
| Nemo" is a text-mode shell program for OS/2.
| It tries to imitate the Norton Commander (R)
| for DOS v.2 as closely as possible and yet
| realize a smooth integration with OS/2
| features.
NIKNAK11.ZIP 27151 12-06-93 A PM strategy game like tic tac toe
NIM120.ZIP 35936 01-02-94 The classic game of Nim for OS/2 PM
NLMERGE.ZIP 19571 01-16-94 Merge FidoNet NodeDiff files with NodeList
NMS_102.ZIP 43853 01-26-94 NMS 1.02 looks for your unread FidoNet mail
NOLIST2A.ZIP 27547 11-15-93 noList v2.0a; Removes programs from the
| window list and Alt-Esc round-robin It is
| designed to be run from the command line,
| either windowed or full-screen.
NOODLE1.ZIP 59748 11-11-93 Misc. BMPs, icons & cmdfiles & OPENFDR.CMD
NOODLE2.ZIP 59957 11-16-93 More misc. BMPs, icons & cmdfiles & REXX
NTS2CF.ZIP 2231 12-03-93 CM/2 TCPIP v2.0 & Netware configuration
NUMBER11.ZIP 64257 08-16-93 Numbers - an OS/2 PM - Game (Quiz)
O2ACEBB1.ZIP 6290 02-10-94 How to Configure OS/2 to run Optimally with
| your BBS with limited system resources.
| Includes an almost complete walk threw of
| 4DOS/4OS2 setups for use with the shareware
| PMSHELL replacement Mshell.
OBACK202.ZIP 113845 01-24-94 OBACKUP & ORESTORE back up & restore data
OCLN113.ZIP 291908 03-17-94 McAfee's CLEAN for OS/2, version 113 virus
| cleaner. This is NOT the NEW total rewrite,
| rather this is an incremental update to the
| older version.
OLENS.ZIP 11017 10-08-93 Lens v0.9 OS/2 magnifies area around cursor
OMG2V23D.ZIP 22722 08-12-93 Outbound Manager for Binkley-style systems;
| REXX, requires VREXX. Manipulate outbound
| traffic, create polls, etc. PM, not FS.
OPEN.ZIP 10122 11-09-93 Access WPS objects from the command line
OPENFDR4.ZIP 3715 10-13-93 OPENFDR.CMD v1.4; OpenFolder is a little REXX
| script that works with 4DOS/OS2
OPSYS1.ZIP 12398 11-17-93 OPSYS 1.1: DOS / OS/2 Utility that informs
| which Operating System is running (Either
| Now also works with DOS 6.20.
OS2-50.ZIP 2420 12-06-93 Artisoft Technical Bulletin on Installing
| LANtastic 5.0 in an OS/2 2.0 or 2.1 VDM
OS2-TREE.ZIP 407959 12-07-93 Shows graphical representation of drives
OS23DRNG.ZIP 15877 11-29-93 Bitmap gray-scale image of OS/2 Ring logo
OS24WFAQ.ZIP 4295 11-30-93 OS/2 for Windows Special Edition FAQ
OS2CFG8.ZIP 33399 02-12-94 Updated File Explaining Entries In CONFIG.SYS
OS2CMDLN.ZIP 25947 07-21-93 OS/2 2.x application that lets user enter
| OS/2 command-line statements while in a PM
| application. OS2CMDLN can also be used to
| launch applications. Freeware
OS2CNFG6.ZIP 23847 08-05-93 Rick Meigs' latest update of his CONFIG.SYS
| description file. Lots of new stuff and
| updated for version 2.1 of OS/2.
OS2C_080.ZIP 135200 11-19-93 OS/2-Commander v0.80wb - OS/2 NC-Clone
OS2GFC.ZIP 37448 01-27-94 GFC graphical file comparison program
OS2INSTL.ZIP 1721 11-24-93 Detailed instructions for installing OS/2 2.1
| Drivers for SpeedStar VGA, Super VGA, and
| Hi-Color, SpeedStar 24, SpeedStar 24X,
| SpeedStar Pro ISA and VLB
OS2KJV.ZIP 605911 10-07-93 PM Online King James Bible Study Program
OS2LOT.ZIP 17958 12-05-93 Pick random numbers for Pick-6 LOTTO
OS2MAG.ZIP 1730 01-03-94 Press release announcing new OS/2 magazine
OS2MDISK.ZIP 25427 12-14-93 OS/2 disk benchmarking program that allows
| evaluation of system performance during disk
| I/O. (In DOS/Win, DOS will not allow anything
| else to use the CPU during disk accesses.)
| Also evaluates performance of simultaneous
| I/O to two drives, which should show the
| advantage of SCSI systems in a multitasking
| and multithreaded OS like OS/2.
OS2NT.ZIP 6475 07-18-93 How to install OS/2 with Windows NT and DOS
| on the same machine.
OS2PLAQ2.ZIP 6635 11-28-93 Windows & NT background bitmap, for OS/2
OS2RNDR.ZIP 3118 11-22-93 Frontend to Persistence of Vision Raytracer
OS2ROCK.ZIP 134106 11-15-93 Bitmap OS/2 logo on Red marble monolith
OS2_OPTI.ZIP 100256 07-31-93 OS/2 2.1 Performance Tuning for the End User.
| This guideType will help you get the maximum
| use from OS/2 command prompt.
OSCB200A.ZIP 278773 03-16-94 McAfee's NEW OS/2 SCAN anti-virus for OS/2
| machines is the first total re-write of
| McAfee's SCAN for OS/2. This is a public Beta
OSGRAPHC.ZIP 104124 10-28-93 Scientific Graphic Library Version 0.2
OT_100.ZIP 13300 12-28-93 OS2Term: source (32 bit) for dealing with
| modems. Written using only OS/2 system calls
| (no C runtime library calls whatsoever). It
| should compile under ant OS/2 2.x C compiler.
PAR131.ZIP 61713 09-12-93 Par 1.31; par is a paragraph reformatter,
| vaguely similar to fmt, but better.
PC2PS.ZIP 30911 12-19-93 PC ASCII to PostScript converter HPFS aware
PCD231.ZIP 48180 11-12-93 Paddys directory changer
PEG008.ZIP 277454 12-29-93 Pegasus Resource Monitor v1.8 for OS/2
PEGGED11.ZIP 26086 07-04-93 Pegged 1.1, board game of logic for OS/2 2.x
PFAQ221.ZIP 78373 12-03-93 Programmers Frequently Asked OS/2 Questions
PHONE2.ZIP 63085 10-04-93 Telephone Dialer 1.0b 32 bit OS/2 2.x PM
PILOT.ZIP 55520 08-18-93 This package contains a pilot interpreter
| ported to OS/2
PLOTTE.ZIP 41627 10-26-93 X/Y plots from files of numerical data
PMBOTS11.ZIP 28053 07-30-93 PM Robots v1.1; This program is a version of
| the classic UN*X game "robots" for the OS/2
| Presentation Manager. The idea is that you
| are chased by robots, the object to is make
| them crash into each other before they get
| you. It's Smiley against the Evil Killer
| Robots.
PMCC01.ZIP 93927 12-03-93 PM Control Center 0.1 launcher/organizer
PMCHAOS.ZIP 74756 11-13-93 Graphical display of a chaotic system
PMCOM211.ZIP 387138 11-28-93 PMCOMM v2.11; OS/2 Presentation Manager
| asynchronous communications package. Features
| Button Bar; Status Line: Drag and Drop;
| Printing; Extended Scroll Buffer; Capture;
| Log file; Script Generator; File import;
| Clipboard; Macros; Host Mode. Demo version
| doesn't include Zmodem.
PMDIFF25.ZIP 87219 01-26-94 PMDiff v2.5 PM file comparison utility
PMDMAT.ZIP 198089 11-27-93 OS/2 32-bit PM Directory Matching Utility
PMFLCOMP.ZIP 61458 01-03-94 PMFLComp v1.41 - Compare 2 files 3 ways
PMJPEG15.ZIP 196197 12-18-93 PMJPEG 1.5 JPEG/TIFF/GIF/PCX/Targa/BMP view
PMMATH24.ZIP 126554 09-15-93 Fun Kids Math Game For Presentation Manager
| Think of it as electronic flashcards
PMP210.ZIP 195940 02-13-94 PM Patrol is an OS/2 resource monitoring tool
| used to track real-time activities such as
| free/idle memory, drives online, free disk
| space, active processes and threads, CPU use,
| swapper usage, and more.
PMPHONEF.ZIP 29127 09-18-93 32 Bit Freeware Version Of Pmphone. Phone
| Dialer/Database. Ver.01 Adds Ability To
| Import Ascii Files Into Database.
PMPIANO.ZIP 31462 01-02-94 Play external MIDI units, some soundcards
PMPSTAT.ZIP 65728 08-24-93 PM-Stat-process,thread,mem,semaphore monitor
PMSW2.ZIP 53278 08-01-93 PMSW2 is used by REXX programs to switch
| focus to a program whose name is in the
| desktop switch list.
PMSWITCH.ZIP 12997 08-22-93 PmSwitch V2.0 is a 32bit PM application Using
| PmSwitch you can mask tasks from the alt-esc
| sequence.
PMSYS101.ZIP 14539 07-13-93 PMSYSMON VBBS-OS2 System Monitor/Presentation
| Manager 32-bit PM-app opens a window on the
| OS/2 Desktop, and displays current statistics
| and who's online within the window.
PMUND111.ZIP 69687 12-25-93 PM program, quick recovery of deleted files
PMVD025.ZIP 21410 01-05-94 PMVDesk virtual desktop screen manager.
PMXEYES.ZIP 23244 01-25-94 PMxEyes, PM Program, eyes follow cursor
POLYLINE.ZIP 93372 01-17-94 Module for OS/2 ScreenSaver
PROGRF.ZIP 25128 02-09-94 Nice Little Program To Easily Set Up Program
| Objects
PRTF.ZIP 19781 09-08-93 Text file using PM's Postscipt fonts, rather
| than printer's own fonts (as would COPY file
| LPTn). It works from full-screen sessions and
| from batch files.
PSRT_11B.ZIP 117701 12-16-93 PacketSorter v1.1b (bug fixed version)
| Defragments FidoNet mail packets. Can split
| large messages according to FSC-0047. Speed
| up message base tossing up to five times with
| Squish. Runs with OS/2 2.x and DOS.
PUSHPOP.ZIP 2343 11-26-93 OS/2 Command Line (REXX) directory push/pop
PVTREE12.ZIP 36205 01-26-94 PVTree is an utility to see the full (or
| part) directory tree of any disks devices
| like HardDisk, Floppy Disk, Ram,... in a
| graphic window which can be printed.
| HardLinks supported. It can be used from the
| Shell or from PVTreeGUI or PVTreeMUI who are
| two GUI designed for PVTree. PVTreeGUI use
| the standard intuition look.
QNOS2203.ZIP 119987 11-12-93 Qnode for OS/2 nodelist compiler
R201FX.ZIP 96306 11-05-93 DOS Global Session fix for NetWare Client
RADARDSS.ZIP 1762 12-12-93 Deskpic screen saver, Radar sweeps screen
RDX200.ZIP 10375 01-19-94 REXX command-line directory changer
REBUTTAL.ZIP 15507 07-25-93 OS/2 vs Windows: IBM Rebuttal to Microsoft
| Document Comparing Windows NT and OS/2 2.1
RECREATE.ZIP 1400 01-06-94 Rexx file recreate standard desktop objects
REFAX11.ZIP 48051 08-20-93 ZyXEL RecieveFAX for mailer & BBS systems
REXXBASE.ZIP 103265 01-12-94 RexxBase v1.17; dBase Access For Rexx
REXXLB.ZIP 236491 02-08-94 REXXLIB v1.1; Collection of 150+ functions to
| extend the capabilities of REXX in OS/2.
| Covers 5 principal areas: compound variable
| handling, interprocess communication,
| mathematical functions, OS/2 system services,
| and text-mode user interfacing.
REXXTR.ZIP 102275 11-21-93 Many functions for REXX and VisPro/REXX
REXXTUT2.ZIP 47291 11-20-93 REXX docs, better than OS/2 online help
REXXUTIL.ZIP 27908 07-11-93 REXXUTIL Information and Samples Attempts to
| better explain some of the powerful features
| provided by OS/2 V2's dynamic link library
RHYTHM.ZIP 13815 09-09-93 Visual and audio metronome for musicians
ROBOSV.ZIP 101923 11-09-93 RoboSave - Back up OS/2 2.x Desktop
ROIDS20.ZIP 57256 01-14-94 Roids 2.0 32bit arcade game, like Asteroids
ROLODX24.ZIP 161731 11-29-93 OS/2 address book, can email ftp & send FAX
RUN160.ZIP 17742 12-23-93 Run-Os/2 version 1.60: a utility that allows
| OS/2 users to run OS/2 programs from a DOS
| session.
RXAPFD.ZIP 59420 11-18-93 Rexx APPC FullDuplex Interface for CM/2 1.1
RXDECODE.ZIP 47059 11-15-93 Intelligent UU/XX-decoder
RXLN11.ZIP 188679 12-09-93 REXXLAN/2 v1.01 LAN Server REXX extension
RXLOGIN.ZIP 1708 09-08-93 rxLogin v1.0; Simple way of securing your
| OS/2 machine - the program is designed to
| simply keep prompting for a password until
| the correct one is entered.
RXU13.ZIP 120333 10-26-93 Package of REXX external functions.
RXUSMP.ZIP 8161 01-12-94 Assortment of REXX Sample Apps
RXX19.ZIP 152964 02-03-94 RxExtras-Extra functions for REXX!
S2F01.ZIP 22801 07-12-93 ST42FITS v0.1; convert a SBIG-ST4(c) image
| file into a FITS file, 8-bit image file.
SAVE_ME2.ZIP 1951 07-11-93 SAVE_ME.CMD and SAVN_ZIP.CMD REXX programs to
| save OS/2 2.x critical system files.
SCANOPEN.ZIP 5045 10-16-93 OS/2 event timer. Useful for OS/2 server
| Getty functions.
SCORCARD.ZIP 319182 12-18-93 Golf Score Card v1.7 for use with OS/2 v2.1
| Keep track of your golf scores. This version
| adds graphics so you must be at least svga
| and 256 colors.
SCRCOLOR.ZIP 2874 11-17-93 ScrColor.cmd: set default ANSI screen colors
| and allow REXX-programs to query them (used
SDWPS.ZIP 5228 08-15-93 SDWPS is a shutdown for OS/2's Workplace
| Shell. It performs the same function as
| selecting "Shut down" from the WPS's desktop
SEAHAV11.ZIP 54217 02-06-94 SeaHaven Towers for OS/2 is a solitaire card
| game.
SEAMWIN4.ZIP 26838 02-07-94 Speed Loading Of Seamless Windows Programs
SELDEL.ZIP 2921 07-28-93 Selective delete of OS/2 Applets
SERVICE.ZIP 37707 12-01-93 Helpful hints as well as updated and
| corrections for Installing OS/2 2.1
| ServicePak Beta
SHARE.ZIP 1565 01-05-94 Spreadsheet for OS/2's Spreadsheet Applet
SHOWINI3.ZIP 41870 09-20-93 SHOWINI.CMD allows you to Interactively edit
| & print OS/2-INI-files
SHTDWN15.ZIP 16070 12-29-93 System shutdown program 1.5 Immediate/timed
SOBNLE.ZIP 72376 12-17-93 Son of Bonk nodelist editor, beta 1.0
SOB_110.ZIP 149852 01-18-94 Son Of Bonk outbound/nodelist manager 1.10
SOMBRS.ZIP 100880 01-01-94 SOMBrowse Prototype; prototype of an
| application under development, and as such
| may still have bugs.
SORRYOS2.ZIP 28827 12-29-93 "Sorry" board game for OS/2 PM.
SORT32B.ZIP 36387 01-05-94 OS/2 2.1 Fast virtual sort text file, free
SOSUTL12.ZIP 94527 10-20-93 SOS utilities v1.2; All these Utility
| programs are public domain.
SOXV10.ZIP 157745 11-14-93 SOund eXchange - sound sample translator
SOYTXT.ZIP 13853 12-30-93 Transcript of GEnie Chat with John Soyring
SP.ZIP 24267 09-17-93 SetPriority v1.0; Utility to start a program
| at a defined priority. It is also able to
| start a VDM (DOS-session) at a defined
| priority.
SPATH.ZIP 1304 11-22-93 REXX Util Searches path for COM/EXE/CMD/BAT
SPKRDD.ZIP 56990 12-09-93 Play sound files on PC speaker using MMPM/2
SPVIEW.ZIP 131619 10-24-93 SuperPreview 16-bit PM Image/FAX Viewer
SQED087.ZIP 213218 12-28-93 32-bit OS/2 2.1 PM Squish message editor
SRCTRN.ZIP 50765 01-11-94 Source Render Drag/Drop; Shows how to perform
| a source rendered drag/drop in the WPS of
| OS/2. All drag/drop operations performed in
| the WPS are target rendered, so you have no
| control if you are coding a WPS class which
| needs to be part of the rendering in such an
| operation.
SSAVER11.ZIP 410044 12-14-93 ScreenSaver 1.1 modular 32bit screen saver
STARTDOS.ZIP 54100 11-17-93 Start DOS sessions with OS/2 settings
SWAPC130.ZIP 21841 12-30-93 SWAP/Check v1.3 swapper.dat monitor
SYSXDUMP.ZIP 44585 01-24-94 Allows you to send and recieve MIDI exclusive
| system dumps between your computer and a MIDI
| unit.
TASKTIME.ZIP 25498 07-06-93 Task runtime timer
TCLOCK11.ZIP 86995 10-12-93 Talking Clock for PM - 1 of 2 install/exe
TCPSTART.ZIP 39494 01-23-94 Guide to OS/2 networking IBM TCP/IP
TEAMLOGO.ZIP 63918 11-11-93 Team OS/2 logos in BMP/CorelDraw 2.5/PMDraw
TERMINAT.ZIP 5740 01-23-94 Terminate process by Process ID number
TEXTFONT.ZIP 71174 10-08-93 Replacement text mode fonts for OS/2 2.1
THEOS215.ZIP 181245 12-07-93 THE 1.5: CMS/XEDIT lookalike editor - exe
TIMB10P.ZIP 133426 11-19-93 TimEd/B10; Small and fast msg editor for
| FidoNet; supports Squish, *.MSG and now also
| the new JAM msgbase format. OS/2.
TINYED.ZIP 77151 12-01-93 Tiny Editor v2.2 text mode edit OS/2 & DOS
TLCADR01.ZIP 32015 12-05-93 A 32-bit, PM desktop address book, written as
| a standalone adjunct for KWQ/2 or any OS/2 or
| Windows offline reader that doesn't have an
| internal address book but supports copy and
| paste from the clipboard. Holds and maintains
| up to 100, 60 byte addresses in plain text
TLCCLK01.ZIP 32389 11-20-93 A 32-bit, PM desktop clock (not analog).
| Displays time (am - pm) and date. Optionally
| floats to the top but does not grab the
| focus. Timer is multi-threaded, uses no
| resources, except at refresh. Accepts and
| remembers drag & drop fonts. Remembers where
| you put it. User selectable refresh rate, 1 -
| 120 seconds. Freeware.
TLST9311.ZIP 60411 11-04-93 Team OS/2 member list as of 5 November 1993
TMPCNV.ZIP 45819 07-28-93 OS/2 Farenheit to Celsius temperature
| converter & vice versa.
TNEW03.ZIP 264972 12-22-93 Team OS/2 newsletter December 1993, inf
TOILICO.ZIP 512 01-06-94 Toilet bowl icon for Shredder in OS/2 WPS
TOPICS.ZIP 34183 11-01-93 Clip topics of interest from mail readers
TRASHICO.ZIP 7263 08-21-93 Collection of icons for OS/2 with a recycle
| theme, good for trashcans
TREESZ11.ZIP 23268 11-27-93 TreeSize v1.1 for DOS/OS2 2.x
TRICKS3.ZIP 228888 01-11-94 January 1994 edition of "Stupid OS/2 Tricks,"
| a collection of tips and tricks to use in
| OS/2 2.x. Some really incredible commandline
| tricks added in this editionDOS users eat
| your hearts out! Additional practical things
| for PM as well.
TRSHCN11.ZIP 55735 01-28-94 Workplace Shell TrashCan, replace shredder
TSHELL.ZIP 46078 01-19-94 TSHELL is a text-based, non-graphical user
| interface shell for OS/2 2.1. TSHELL can
| start multiple full-screen sessions and run
| programs in them.
TSHOS2.ZIP 1991 01-03-94 Tips on Toshiba T4600C PCMCIA modem select
TSTDEV.ZIP 22212 12-06-93 C Source code to test devices
TUNE07.ZIP 66438 11-29-93 Tuning Spreadsheet for LanServer 3.0
UACLOCK.ZIP 21706 09-09-93 The Ultimate Alarm Clock for OS/2. Provides
| an small, attractive, and easy-to-use alarm
| clock for all of those reoccuring
| appointments none of us can afford to miss!
| This alarm clock has been kept purposefully
| small and simple. All the scheduling power
| you may ever need!
UC2INS.ZIP 168322 01-16-94 UltraCompressor - new file compressor
UNARJ241.ZIP 84499 08-16-93 This archive contains sources for the UNARJ
| 2.41 ARJ-extractor The original archive
| contained an executable file for MS-DOS,
| which has been substituted with an OS/2
| equivalent.
UNDEL102.ZIP 43334 01-07-94 Use this PM app instead of OS/2 Undelete
UNZ51X2.ZIP 122585 01-14-94 Version 5.1 Of Info-Zip's Unzip For OS/2
UUCODE.ZIP 42350 12-17-93 UUdecode/UUencode 1.01 w/long name support
UUDECO.ZIP 18881 12-11-93 OS/2 UUDECODE receive binary files as text
UUDOALL.ZIP 81679 08-30-93 Port of DOS/Unix UUDOALL UUDECODER to OS/2
UUGAT023.ZIP 138964 12-04-93 Complete Fidonet/Internet gateway
VDMS_110.ZIP 108054 01-11-94 VDM Server Util 1.10 run DOS command in VDM
VF03R2.ZIP 99618 08-03-93 ViewFITS v0.3: FITS viewer for the OS/2 PM.
| "FITS" stands for "Flexible Image Transport
| System", a standard in use for many years by
| professonials. ViewFITS, in the current
| version, can display images of any format, 8
| to 32 bits per pixel, integers or floating
| points. The colour palette (LookUp Table) can
| be easily modified to help the user to get
| the maximum of the image.
VGO10.ZIP 342664 11-14-93 VGO v1.0 and GO v1.0 for OS/2. Execute any
| commands on files based on dates, attributes,
| sizes, and/or names of those files, regard-
| less of where they're located on your system.
| Contains both graphical and commandline ver-
| sions of this very useful utility
VHELP10.ZIP 20545 08-26-93 View PM help files without opening the app
VIDEODR5.ZIP 53181 11-14-93 WIN-OS/2 program to install video drivers
VIZ423.ZIP 75967 08-05-93 VIZ v4.23; Small resident program that
| accelerates BIOS (and DOS) video input and
| output in text mode.
VOPNFDR3.ZIP 3509 10-14-93 VOPNFDR.CMD v1.3; VOpenFolder is a little
| REXX script that works in conjunction with
| the IBM EWS package, VREXX (Visual REXX)
VXTECH01.ZIP 22144 07-28-93 EZRXFUNC; An example of how to build
| REXX/VX-REXX external functions in C. This
| package shows you how to write external REXX
| functions in C and package them into a DLL.
| These functions will then be available for
| use by your REXX and VX-REXX programs.
WBO132S.ZIP 87948 12-09-93 Weather Board [OS/2] v1.32; A weather
| information retrieval program. Installs &
| runs as an event from a BBS or front end
| mailer. Weather Board will give you and your
| users up to the hour weather information for
| your area. Weather Board can be used as a
| bulletin or as a logon screen. It uses the
| WeatherMation number at the nearest airport.
| Multi-BBS compatible.
WCAT11.ZIP 122319 01-26-94 WatchCat v1.1, recover from system hangs
WHRIS2.ZIP 31052 11-28-93 OS/2 2.x command-line File Find utility
WILLUTIL.ZIP 20233 10-04-93 WILLUTIL will let you customize many
| characteristics of OS/2, including window
| scrolling, system beeps (great for those
| without soundcards), menu operation, etc.
WIMM121P.ZIP 54968 01-05-94 Where Is My Mail - MailScanner for Squish
WISHLIST.ZIP 35235 01-24-94 OS/2 Wish List - Next release requests
WOF2.ZIP 124908 12-24-93 This is a freeware variant of the popular
| Wheel of Fortune game implemented using GPF's
| level 08 beta of their GPFREXX product.
WOR_11.ZIP 189904 01-10-94 Wizard of Wor. Game Port to 32bit OS/2
WP21TUNE.ZIP 100288 08-04-93 OS/2 2.1 Performance Tuning Tips for End
| Users, in .INF format. Use the OS/2 VIEW.EXE
| program to view this file
WPLOG32.ZIP 65545 10-03-93 Four macros for WordPerfect 5.2 for OS/2 and
| Windows
WPNEWF.ZIP 55340 11-20-93 Replacement for the WPFolder WPS class
WPPRG18.ZIP 42976 12-28-93 A replacement WPS class for WPProgram
WPS2REXX.ZIP 73109 08-18-93 Save contents of WPS to a REXX script
WPSAM110.ZIP 111720 12-07-93 WPSam Workplace Shell extension
WPSBK203.ZIP 49066 12-30-93 v2.03 of Workplace Shell Backup Utility
WPS_BACK.ZIP 24561 01-06-94 Command line utility for backing up the OS/2
| desktop.
XICON10.ZIP 259024 01-05-94 Icon conversion program (Mac/Win/XBM->OS2)
XYZ2-100.ZIP 50760 11-14-93 A FreeWare X, Y, and Zmodem protocol driver
| from the author of The Blue Wave Offline Mail
| System. CEXYZ/2 is a 32 bit OS/2 text mode
| application. Protocols include Zmodem, 8K
| Zmodem (ZedZap), Ymodem, Ymodem-G, Ymodem-1K,
| Xmodem CRC and Xmodem-Checksum. Includes
| sample files for installation into Maximus
| BBS's. Can be installed into ANY BBS that is
| able to utilize external protocols. Fully
| windowed/graphical interface.
YAOS04.ZIP 66408 01-25-94 Yet Another OS/2 Shell v0.4
YRN2-055.ZIP 191341 01-29-94 Store/Read USENET news & mail SOUP format
ZC152.ZIP 96425 11-28-93 RPF Zip Control 1.52 ZIP file manager
ZIP201.ZIP 245887 09-22-93 Zip is a compression and file packaging
| utility for Unix, Windows NT, Minix, Atari
| and Macintosh. This is the Source Code
ZIP201X2.ZIP 119666 09-19-93 Zip is a compression and file packaging
| utility for Unix, Windows NT, Minix, Atari
| and Macintosh.
ZIPBRAND.ZIP 27124 12-04-93 ZIP Brand FAST! BETA 0.13 (DOS and OS/2
| versions) This is a small program to quickly
| brand all of your ZIP files with a comment
| obtained from a file.
ZIPCTL.ZIP 84730 10-10-93 Point & click view ZIP for RPF Zip Control
ZIPME11.ZIP 100656 02-19-94 Good OS/2 program for managing ZIP files.
| supports InfoZip for OS/2.
ZOC121.ZIP 264949 03-06-94 Updated release of powerful OS/2 2.x PM
| communications program. Blazingly fast video.
| Excellent VT100 support. Large scrollback
| buffer. Very configurable. Full name of ZOC
| is Zap-O-Comm. ZModem implementation is very
| robust. This is virtually uncrippled
| sharewareyou get a popup reminder to register
| if you use the ZModem to download.
ZOCBK102.ZIP 21149 01-06-94 ZOCBOOK is a phone book utility for ZOC. It
| can convert ASCII, Telix(*), Telemate(+)
| phone book entries and FIDO NodeList to ZOC's
| phone book. Also you can get some info about
| your ZOC phone book, and set/delete ZOC phone
| book entries. It runs under DOS in text mode.
ZOCDEV.ZIP 50944 12-17-93 Zap-O-Com Terminal Communications Developer's
| Information Kit
ZOOMIT.ZIP 8114 12-01-93 ZoomIt v1.01; ZoomIt is a utility program for
| OS/2 v2.1 that allows you to magnify portions
| of the screen.
ZSX2-310.ZIP 36340 01-25-94 ZSX v3.10 protocol driver for OS/2 Supports
| X/Y/Zmodem, SEALink; DOS versions also
| available
ZVIEW.ZIP 262138 11-12-93 ZIPPERV is an OS/2 program that will let you
| quickly look at the contents of a ZIP file.
| This program was written with VX-REXX and can
| only run if you have VROBJ.DLL - a dynamic
| link library from Watcom. VROBJ.DLL is
| included in this ZIP archive.